Answering Your Frequently Asked Questions

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Recipe Questions:
I have a question about a recipe. Can you help me?
Yes I’d love to help! If there’s a specific recipe I’ve posted on the blog that you need help with, just post a comment on that blog post or send me an email at kara at iscreamforbuttercream dot com (take the spaces out, replace ‘at’ with @ and replace ‘dot’ with an actual dot). I’ve written it this way to discourage spam.
I made a recipe, but something went wrong. What happened?
I’m happy to help you try and figure out what happened. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of mixing too long, or maybe your oven temperature is off. Just let me know exactly what happened and I’ll do my best to help sort it out.
If it is a recipe from my website, I only post the recipes that have turned out well for me and I try to be very detailed at writing the instructions. Sometimes things slip by me though, so if you see an error, please let me know, so I can correct it.
Otherwise, It’s always good to not only read the printable recipe card, but to also read the post as well because there are extra tidbits of helpful information in there too, which usually was too much to add to the recipe card. I usually add an FAQ section in each recipe post that answers questions about substituting ingredients and other things. There’s usually a table of contents close to the beginning of each post so you can easily navigate the post.
I try not to write really long recipe posts so that you can get straight to the point. My best piece of advice is to follow the instructions exactly as written, at least the first time before making your own changes.
Sometimes what we think a thing isn’t that important (like having the butter at the correct temperature, or the mixing method, or how long we actually mix the batter) but it really is important and makes a difference in the final product.
Always try to use the ingredients listed without substitutions, unless you are a very experienced baker.
Can I substitute this for that?
When I write a recipe, that’s the recipe I’ve found to work best. Baking is really tricky and the ingredients need to be in specific ratios. Substituting ingredients here and there may give you unintended results.
Not all ingredients will substitute equally. For example, you cannot substitute oil for butter in equal amounts. Also, baking powder and baking soda are actually different, so you can’t substitute those ingredients equally without adjustments.
There are some substitutions that actually do work and I try to add those to the recipe cards when I can.
Please don’t send an angry review of a recipe if ingredients were substituted. I may not have tested those specific ingredients. Unless you’re an experienced baker, please try the recipe as written at least the first time.
What if I already substituted an ingredient and it was really good?
Ok, I’m curious…what recipe and what ingredient? I’d love to know, so I can add it to the recipe notes! Comment on that blog post, or send me an email.
I’m making a cake for a wedding or another very special occasion and I don’t want anything to go wrong. Can you promise me the cake will turn out perfectly? I get it, weddings and really important events are very special and we all want things to go perfectly.
But, I am only human and cannot promise that everything will turn out perfectly…there are just too many factors that go into baking and decorating cakes.
My best advice for big events is to always test out a recipe you’ve never made way before the event. That has always served me well.
Now, while I only post recipes that have worked for me, sometimes things happen and ingredients are subbed out, or the batter is mixed too long, or maybe ingredients were measured wrong, or it’s even possible I may have a typo. I’m just a human. 🙂
So, the best thing to do is to always test out the recipe if you’re making it for a super important occasion and everything needs to be absolutely perfect.
Can you convert the measurements in your recipes for me?
Under the ingredient list in the recipe card, there will be measurement options for you to choose from there. I write everything in US (volume) measurements, but to convert them to metric, just click the word ‘metric’ and it will automatically convert everything for you.
Just know that I write recipes and test them using volume measurements (cups etc.) as that is generally how most people like to measure in the U.S. If you use metric measurements, results could vary.
These recipes seem really sweet, high carb and not very healthy. What about nutritional stats and can I lower the amount of sugar in a cake recipe?
There are nutritional stats at the bottom of each recipe. And you’re right…my recipes are not diet recipes, nor are they super healthy. I make sweet cakes and frostings, which are considered desserts and they’re meant to be sweet.
That may not be for everyone, but there are plenty of sites online for healthy diets. The recipes on this site are generally for special occasions and I think it’s good to live a little. 😉
If you need to adhere to a low-carb, diabetic, or dairy-free diet, feel free to experiment and adjust these recipes however, I am not an expert on that type of baking and cannot help you adjust recipes for those diets. It’s better to search online for recipes that will meet your specific needs.
As far as lowering the amount of sugar in cake recipes, what’s important to know is that sugar in a cake recipe not only gives sweetness to the cake, it also affects the moisture and the texture, so lowering it by much can throw off the ingredient ratios and the cake could come out tasting bad, the texture could be off and it could be dry.
How do I know when you’ve posted a new recipe?
You can sign up for the newsletter! You’ll get updates mostly every week and that way, you won’t miss a post! Go here to sign up…it’s free: Subscribe for Free
Cake Baking/Decorating Questions:
Where did you learn cake decorating and baking?
I learned from other cake experts! I’ve watched tons of videos, taken loads of courses, watched my Mom’s wedding business partner growing up, and practiced and experimented for countless hours. I love all things cake-related and I love to experiment. Sometimes those experiments work and sometimes they don’t, but I always learn something.
You can read more about my journey in cake decorating and baking on my about page here: About Me
Cake Business Questions:
Can I purchase a cake from you?
I’m so sorry, but at this point, I do not sell cakes anymore. I only make them for my family and close friends.
Can you tell me what the laws and requirements to start a cake business from home?
I cannot tell you what your state requires. I only know about Texas Cottage Food Laws. Before starting a food business out of your home, you definitely want to research the laws of your state.
The first way to do this is to just google Cottage food laws in (your state).
Can you tell me how much I should charge for a particular cake?
I’m so sorry, but I cannot price your cakes for you. First, I would be pricing cakes all day and I just do not have the time or brainpower to do that. Second, there are so many factors that go into pricing cakes that it’s impossible for me to quote a price for a cake that you make. I wouldn’t know the difficulty level, how long it would take you, the ingredient costs to you, or what people are willing to pay in your area.
The best thing you can do is to get a cake pricing app that tracks your ingredients and supplies plus it helps you see how much money and time you’re spending. Also, join Facebook groups for your state as you can see many of these types of questions and they can help give you a better idea of what people will pay in your area.
My best advice about pricing is not to use only one method. I mean don’t price solely based on an hourly wage you want to make, or the price per slice, or what someone else priced their cake, or what the grocery store prices their cakes. Use multiple methods to come up with a price, compare those prices to each other, and then maybe compare those prices to other bakeries in your area (not grocery stores), then maybe check on the cottage food Facebook groups for your area.
Use all of that information to come up with a price. Basically, there is no easy button when it comes to pricing. There’s not one way to do it that will get you that perfect number.
Blogging Questions:
Can I use a photo or recipe from your blog on my website?
If you’re a blogger and want to use one of my photos for a round-up post, feel free to do so as long as you give credit with a link back to that specific post on my blog, but please do not reprint my entire recipe.
I work really hard to create my recipes, photograph them and write the posts. Please do not copy and paste my recipe onto your website or social media page. It’s acceptable to use a photo (unaltered) with a link back to my post that contains the recipe.
Can I guest post on your blog?
I’m not accepting any guest posts, but thank you for asking!
Is blogging your full-time job?
No, I don’t actually blog full time. I work full time as a legal assistant and do blogging on the side. Blogging isn’t a super stable way to make a living. Yes, it’s possible, but do you really want to just depend on the whim of search engine algorithms? Me neither.
What camera do you use?
I use a Canon 70D for photography and a Sony ZV E10 for videos.
What camera lenses do you use?
I use several different lenses. I mainly use a Sigma 18-200mm macro zoom lens for my photography and the lens that comes with my Sony ZV E10 for videos.
Personal Questions:
Hey I noticed at one time, you went by Kara Jane, but now things just say, Kara. What gives?
My first name is Kara and my middle name is Jane. I have always gone only by Kara in my private life and that is what I prefer.
When I first started this blog, there were actually a couple of prominent cake bloggers well-known in the field whose names were Kara and I wanted to differentiate myself from those two people.
Now those Karas have moved on to do other things and after years of going by Kara Jane, online, I think it’s time for me to go by the name I prefer, which is Kara. 🙂
Where do you live? How did you get into this? Do you have kids?
I live in East Texas. I got into cake baking and decorating as a child. Yes, I do have one adult son.
If you’re interested in more personal stuff, you’ll want to check out my about page plus I’ve got 20 random things about me there. (You’ll get to read about how I almost died one day and you’ll never guess what from.)
To read those, go here: About Me